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Find Your Fulfilling Career
Welcome (5:50)
Complete the Getting Started Questionnaire
Claim Your Bonuses
Using the Assessments (1:53)
Get Started
Phases of Career Searching (7:35)
The VISA Framework (1:26)
Grab the Workbook
Select Your Itinerary
PREWORK: Evaluate Your Current Career (19:05)
MILESTONE 1 of 6 - Identify Current Career Diminishers
Develop the Right Mindset
Module Overview (1:28)
Figure Out Your Why (8:28)
Define Success for Yourself (5:10)
Identify Potential Mindset Barriers (11:02)
Identify Your Career Beliefs (4:04)
Create Your Career Vision (5:26)
MILESTONE 2 of 6 - Identify Your Mindset Barriers
Clarify Your Values
Module Overview (1:00)
Needs vs. Wants vs. Values (15:19)
What Are Values? (4:01)
Why Do Values Matter? (5:49)
Types of Values (7:28)
Find Your Non-Negotiable Values (11:38)
Ways to Discover a Company's Values (4:46)
MILESTONE 3 of 6 - Identify Your Non-Negotiable Values
Clarify Your Interests
Module Overview (1:42)
What Are Interests? (2:42)
Why Do Interests Matter? (8:20)
The 6 Career Interest Areas (14:46)
Figure out Your ZOG Interest Areas (26:01)
How You Interact with Information (9:58)
MILESTONE 4 of 6 - Identify Your Zone of Genius Interest Areas
Clarify Your Skills
Module Overview (2:57)
Why Do Skills Matter? (6:29)
Skills vs. Abilities (4:15)
The 3 Types of Skills (11:14)
Identify Your High-Power Skills (4:14)
MILESTONE 5 of 6 - Identify Your High-Power Skills
Find Your Fulfilling Career
Module Overview (1:09)
The Importance of Research (4:20)
Sources for Career Research (5:39)
Identify, Prioritize and Research Your Potentials (51:43)
MILESTONE 6 of 6 - Share Your Top 3 Fulfilling Career Options
Create Your Action Plan
Module Overview (1:11)
Create Your 30-Day Plan (9:06)
Finding the Right People (13:46)
Planning Your Informational Interviews (10:24)
TRIAGE Your Transition Plan (37:49)
Share Your Thoughts and Feedback
Your Next Steps
Your Options
Transition Planning
Join Job Search SIMPLIFIED
Why Do Interests Matter?
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