Using Keywords in Your LinkedIn Profile

Did you know that LinkedIn currently has over 500 million users and 1 of 3 professionals on the planet are on LinkedIn? and 1 in 20 LinkedIn profiles belong to recruiters.

What am I saying here?

You need to be on LinkedIn, and you needed to be on there yesterday!

But not just on there, as in, you created a profile and you log in once a month to accept those connection requests that have been collecting dust.

No. You need to be actively present on LinkedIn if you want to build your professional network, establish yourself as an expert and get recruited even when you’re not actively job searching.

But here’s the catch – being active on LinkedIn is almost pointless if your profile isn’t optimized to leverage LinkedIn to the max.

And one easy way to quickly optimize your LinkedIn profile is by using industry relevant keywords in your profile.

LinkedIn works as a search engine.

So, when professionals and recruiters are looking for an expert or ideal candidate, LinkedIn pulls up results based on the relevant keywords in a profile.

Watch the video below to watch today's training and learn exactly how you can begin using keywords in your profile.

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