Value Statemens for a Strong Negotiation

PSA: if you're accepting a job offer without negotiating the terms, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!

Pardon me for yelling 😅 but here’s the thing – negotiating a job offer is not optional.

Employers never come in with their highest offer and are actually impressed when you negotiate with them.

Negotiation is a skill.

Advocating for yourself and your worth is a skill. A skill that an employer wants on their side because when you come work for them, you’re probably going to start using that skill for them.

That being said, I know how nerve-wracking negotiating can be.

Asking for more money is scary.

Questions like “am I worth this much?” “what if they take back the offer?”what exactly do I say?” can flood your brain, fill you with fear and keep you from asking for more money.

So, let me pause and say this to you right now:

  • Yes, you are worth every penny you ask for.
  • No, they’re not going to take back the job offer (unless you're approaching them sideways) just because you negotiate.
  • I can help you figure out what exactly you should say.

But you know what can really help boost your confidence? Creating value statements.

Value statements? You ask.

Stick with me here.

You often hear people in the career development space saying things like "Negotiate your worth", "Know your value" etc.

But what does that actually MEAN?⁠

Your worth and value are not abstract numbers that you pull out of the sky.⁠

When it comes to negotiating your salary, there's actual strategy involved in finding your $$$ range and you must engage in research to find the sweet spot.⁠

You can’t approach a negotiation emotionally and think you’re going to get more money “just because you deserve more”.


You have to come with your facts and receipts.

Enter value statements.

Statements that highlight your accomplishments and value add to an organization.

The only reason an employer is going to give you more money is because you’re worth it. How do they know you’re worth it? When you show them with your words.

When you share your accomplishments, accolades, and experience with them.

That’s how you let an employer know that paying you more is in their best interest.

In today’s training, I’m walking you through how to craft your own value statements, so that you’re ready for your next negotiation conversation.


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